Into Darkness Page 7

Chapter 01 – Into Darkness: Page 07

The cast of characters continues to expand and with the entry of Frazier, we get the opportunity to learn a bit more about our steadfast "point man" Bradson. From an art standpoint, it's fun to add another character to draw, but the real fun is in seeing the interaction between the two soldiers.

There are some fun pages coming, and I look forward to sharing them in the coming weeks. I'm very happy with the regular schedule that we've maintained in sharing pages and during the past two weeks we've been working hard to build a buffer. Currently, we have a half dozen pages completed ahead of the published page. In preparation for Chapter 2 - Midwife, Aborted, work on character development and page thumbnails will require time, and the buffer of pages will support that effort.

To this point, we've been focused on creating Into Darkness - developing the next chapter concurrently is a new wrinkle in the creative process. Right now, the goal is to maintain the regular page sharing schedule during the transition to the second phase of the Dystopia tale.



The essence of control rings out

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In some ways, the Control Ring (level Two) of the city is the most obvious of settings and, in turn, the most aptly named. Government of any kind is essentially about control: controlling who is considered a citizen, what the […]


The tribal mentality

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