Welcome to Dystopia

A wonderful aspect of life is that nothing is ever “done” and Dystopia as a concept and a project is no different. Originally, Marc had built this world based on concepts that piqued his interest and, over time, that idea grew to something that would allow us (and others) to utilize the various levels of the city to delve into different genres that would be uniquely fun to create and to read.

The two of us approach what we are doing here on the Dystopia site with a desire to freely share what we create. When I use the “create” word, there are two aspects of the word that are central to our philosophy:

  1. The primary focus is to write stories, create comics, and produce artwork that we can share with you – everything here is free
  2. A supporting aspect of the creation is to invite you to share in the creative process- to walk with us in everything that we do -from the creation of the characters and world to the behind the scenes details of how we collaborate in the process of creating and producing the final comics

Marc and I welcome you. We encourage you to act on your curiosity, share your thoughts, and join in the fun of creating Dystopia.