Page Notes: Page three offers an explosion of color that we have not experienced yet in the introductory pages of "Into Darkness." Marc explains the emotions that both of us have experienced as part of offering the story in color during a recent blog post .
To better understand, let's dive into a bit of backstory. Dystopia was part of a small press effort in the 1990's that had started as a fanzine and grew to include a dozen creators combining their efforts under a single banner that would help to add legitimacy to what we were doing and magnify our individual efforts. Each creator created their own comic story and the titles were featured on the collective's website and were presented at comic shows. The twelve-page books were well done, consistent in appearance, and were produced on a black-and-white photocopier.
From an artist's viewpoint, there is a difference in the format of the art - black-and- white, tones, and application of color affect the manner in which you approach the work. Admittedly, certain stories do lend themselves to the monotone approach thematically. In the small press days, cost was the key driver for the format of the art and as we approached the concept of offering Dystopia as a webcomic, it seemed short-sighted to limit ourselves to continuing the black-and-white format. From my perspective, I had made the determination that I wanted- No, needed -to approach the artwork in a digital environment. In preparation, I had been playing with hardware and software options to identify the appropriate solution. There are a number of threads there that we'll explore together as we continue to post subsequent pages.
What is Dystopia?
What some consider to be either the ultimate expression of urban decay in America, an encounter with a cosmic phenomenon, or a nightmare writ large. Regardless, it's somewhere between fascinating and lethal and all shades in between.
- Welcome to Hell, the travelers' guide to Dystopia.